Thursday, May 15, 2014


THE OLD COOL MINE SOURCES AND NEW NEGROTIC NEGOTIABLE TOURISMS AND THEIR NEW ACCIDENTS BY THE EVERY TWO MEANINGS: The amountal death and blesse results of Soma mine accidents of Turkey might be calculated, counted according to socio mathematics and demographic ceographia.There can be the realist punishmental relations of that accident evedent with even last recordable negro visitor ministers of Turkey and last recordable international aireplane flights relation traffics and Black Sea side installation needs of some negros and falsificationed illimunitations and fanatic Fenerbahçe sympatheticos. The last new situation is so much süit to new bombings and eartquakes of old underground because of disturbs demages of ignorancia representers dinasauras for us like our older general public mentions for provides, provents. ! The humanity might be thoughtfull on the existance of the accidantial cultural traditional obligations for be equal amount international personel sendings as Turc doctors for Somali and Somaly country member mine workers for Soma mines or not at the beginnings ? Many clever ingenious persons can insprationelly exclain the original innate suitances of black skinned Somaly workers workings at Soma mines as süit to darkness for heating the cold winters. Some ingenuous informed experts inicially be in incline instilling the reel Turc doctors" numbers be as equal to amount of mine accident blesses and deaths as unofficial inquest. Turc medical bureacreats health personels must wear dark blacks as süits to mourning cpolour. Attention to privilege to socialist origen benevole cigarette smoker Turc medical doctors of Somaly who doctors must visit there for clean weather and watch the animals, plantations for their especially own healths beside learning the groupal calmness coolheadedness and historical health manershippies, methotes from traditionally old Somaly village publics. There can be one provisionel temporary densitality like secret contagious by some intelects. Do not give permissions to falsificationed unvalid, in vain freedoms, walkings of unpoymenteds. The rains, snows can not be at capital Ankara at next years because of every night many heater airplane flights. Please eat less for be better sights as be clever and ingenious. Somali president etc. can be angry as head medicine doctor. The animals also can be so much angry if the animal rights were not recpected if many persons had been birthed as against to popülation plannings. Do not give, present candles, torchs, funerals to anti laique ignorancia, uglity. Some opportunist, enterprener, invester, tourismers must not use these kind mine accident mesaventuras because of developments of Türkey and Africa tourism at last years. ! Somali can help to Turkey for not be new accidents at Turkey as send original, reel negro mine workers etc. or ill poor groups and for not be rain and snow at Ankara at winters for change the sad faces to smilers. We hope as authores that Soma Mine Accident especially after subsequently intelectüel immigrances of Turc Medicine Doctor Groups to Poor, Ill Somali was not as consciously organised, prepared, realised by Turkish Newspaper TV Medias for temario news needs ! "Deger Iskender-Valor Alexander"